
Enroll today in our Med Sync program and have all your prescriptions refilled and ready on the same day.

According to the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation 69 million Americans take 3 or more medications per month. Taking multiple medications per month increases the likelihood of forgetting to refill a medication resulting in missed doses. Nondrug adherence causes 125,000 deaths annually and accounts for 10% to 25% of hospital and nursing home admissions.

Customers on our Med Sync program tell us they prefer to have their medications refilled on the same day each month. You will too. Studies reveal better medication adherence leads to improved health outcomes for you.

  • Each month at the same time your prescriptions are ready to be picked up or delivered to you.
  • We’ll call your doctor for refills or contact your insurance company directly

Contact your local Kubat HealthCare location to get enrolled today!

Kubat Locations

ProActive Living

Beatrice RX Refills/Transfers

Refill Ostomy Supplies

Refill CPAP Supplies

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